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Price  $18.95 
Model 087028
Manufacturer Patrick M. Morley
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《镜中的男人》被称为一本划时代的著作,从1989年出版至今持续畅销,是当今有关男性议题最棒的一本书。本书一针见血地指出了每个男人一生中都可能遇到 的问题,包括身份、人际关系、财务、时间、性情等,并且以简明易读的面貌和务实的态度,诚恳地探讨要如何成为一个成左漕k人。本书在美国受到成千上万的男 士及其家庭的热烈欢迎,因为他们这本书帮助他们整合了自己的生活与生命。《镜中的男人》为全美头号基督徒男性读本,弟兄会或男性讲座首选图书;本书有整全 的福音信息,切入男性生活处境,从解决身份问题(与上帝的关系问题)开始,解决人生24大问题。你是恪守《圣经》的基督徒还是人文基督徒?你建立了真实的 信心还是仅有半吊子的成弁�学?你是否也常跟随世界的潮流而陷入失控的“老鼠赛跑”呢?——惟有真实的信心才能让你拥有工作上心满意足的秘诀、幸福的婚 姻、妥善的时间管理以及与基督有份的美好性情!愿本书带你走出困惑!  《镜中的男人》帮助每个男人都更上一层楼,迎接更美好的生活品质!


《镜中的男人》解决男人独有的24个问题,勇敢面对,豁然开朗!《镜中的男人》荣获ECPA书籍金牌奖。全美NO.1男人成长读本,英文版销售过300万 册!“当今宗教界光说不练的空谈家泛滥成灾,极度缺乏身体力行者。我十分喜欢帕特·摩利以实事求是的态度,井然有序地解释自己与耶稣基督同行的体验。任何 人若是想挣脱肤浅信心的挫败,享受真实信心所带来的满足喜乐,就应该阅读这本书。”(Covenant College校长:Frank Brock)  “我认为《镜中的男人》这本书是我个人读过当今文化中、有关男性议题最棒的一本书籍。帕特·摩利显然把所有男人面对的试炼、烦恼、诱惑都 装在胶囊里,以简明易读的面貌呈现出来。在每章的末尾提供一些问题激发我们思考,挑战每个男人更上一层楼,迎接更美好的生活品质。这是我教会每位男士必读 的好书。”(Orangewood Presbyterian Church主任牧师:Dr. Charles Green) “我认识帕特·摩利已有多年,他的榜样深刻地影响我的生活。在拜读他这本着作之后,我更加被他激励。这本书适用于小组讨论的形式;不但如 此,我建议你像我一样,在每天早晨读经时,也阅读本书一章的内容,然后照着帕特提出的难题为自己祷告,并且一整天思考神要我怎样响应这些问题。” (Strang Communications Company总裁:Stephen Strang) 如果生活的压力让你的人生如同一场永无休止的赛跑,而你却不知道终点在何处;如果你一年四季从早到晚总是劳累忙碌,却仍然常常充满顾此失 彼的遗憾;如果你不断追求进取达到更高的目标,却发现自己并不满足——这本书就是为你而写的!

作者:Patrick M.Morley 派特•摩利 著 / 吳蔓玲 譯
出版社: 中 國 學 園 傳 道 會 出 版 部 / 408頁

Product Description

This powerful book invites men to take a probing look at their identities, relationships, finances, time, temperament, and integrity, and then directs them to take the first time step toward lasting change.

From the Publisher

Do you know anyone who has ever won the rat race? Probably not. And yet, everywhere you go you see men who are tired--worn out from trying to win this race that nobody wins.

Is there hope? According to this book, yes . . . absolutely. The Man in the Mirror reveals twenty-four secrets of how to live successfully with the man in your mirror. This book is written for you, the man grappling with the pressure and stress of everyday life.

Here are some of the questions this book explores:

- I want my life to count, to make a difference. How can I satisfy my need to be significant? - I'm more financially successful than my parents, but I suspect I many not be better off. Am I missing something? - In the wake of my ambition I have left a trail of broken relationships. Can I have another chance? - Does God want Christians to have money? How much money is enough? - I have made some terrible decisions which have resulted in a lot of suffering. How can I do a better job making life's big decisions? - Sometimes I get so angry I think I'm going to explode! Sometimes I'm paralyzed with fear. How can I conquer these emotions? - If my wife knew my secret thoughts, she would divorce me. I would give anything to master my thoughts. Do other men struggle with a secret thought life?

With solid answers to these and many other questions just like them, this just could be the most important book you ever read. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

For more information, please visit this products webpage.
This product was added to our catalog on Monday 21 May, 2007.
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