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若 If - 中英對照 Chinese English Bilingual

若 If - 中英對照 Chinese English Bilingual
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Price  $5.50  $4.95 
Model 053036
Manufacturer Amy Carmichael 賈艾梅
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賈愛梅是從愛爾蘭到印度的宣教士。她救助異教惡風下被迫在廟里賣淫的孩子,成立著名的 Dohnavur Fellowship.至死沒有離開印度。 她著有35本書,因她對神對靈魂之愛,文筆如疾風烈火利劍。這本「若」是她自問有無虧欠人時, 一句一句的「若--」出來,好像有人出聲對心靈的耳朵說出來一樣。 書中有幾度講到驕傲,自私或懦弱方面,當更深的掘下去, 便發現其根源在于缺乏愛。
這本已二十多次印刷的中文版「若」是譯者蘇恩佩(「死亡別狂傲」的作者)最心愛的書之一。 每次重唸都像第一次唸一般的心靈顫動, 呼吸屏住,因為她的訊息觸著靈魂最深處的那一根絃--對神超越的愛的反應。
作者認為這本「若」不是為每一個人寫的, 而是特別為那些接受主的呼召去牧養祂的羊群的。

賈愛梅另一本譯成中文的書是「空谷幽蘭-上帝所喜悅的宣教士」是為甘心傳福音的人而寫的。她細述上帝的宣教士應具有的特質。無牽絆, 分別為聖和淂著冠冕對我們每一個基督徒都是智慧的提醒。

作者﹕賈愛梅 Amy Carmichael 蘇恩佩 譯
出版社: 證主圖書中心 / 91頁

"If" by Amy Carmichael, translatd by Y. P. J. So

When Amy Carmichael went to India from Ireland, she had an effective ministry for 7-8 years as an evangelist. Then, Amy was appalled to learn of the secret traffic of taking little girls & boys to be used for immoral purposes in the Hindu temples. Some were babies and never released. She prayed that God would rescue some of these children. He brought a little girl - the first who ever escaped from a Hindu temple. She was 7 years old and a prostitute.

This little girl appeared on Amy's veranda as she was having tea. She had no explanation to offer how she got there. Amy concluded an angel had brought her to her veranda. Through her, Amy learned the truth and it was worse than imagined. So she began the work for small children and babies. They then established the famous Dohnavur Fellowship. Finally this evil practice in India was cancelled.

Amy wrote 35 books in her life. Due to her passion for the Lord and for lost souls, her writings are like swift winds, burning fires, and sharpened swords. This small book, "If," came when she was asking God if she had sinned against somebody. Sentences of "if" came out like someone was speaking to her spiritual ears.

This is a devotional poetry chanllenging us to live by Christ's Calvary love.

This Chinese version "If" has more than twenty printings. The translator Ms. Y. P. So (she was also a productive Christian writer) said this is one of her favorite books. Every time she read it, she still felt that it was breathtaking, and that her heart was trembling--just like when the first time she read it. This is because Amy's message touches the deepest string of our hearts--response to God's unconditional love.

Amy wrote this book especially for those who responded the calling to shepherd His sheep.

Melissa Yao

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 06 January, 2003.
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