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上帝的心事--設想周全的十誡 The Ten(der) Commandments

上帝的心事--設想周全的十誡 The Ten(der) Commandments
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Price  $13.95  $12.55 
Model 086014
Manufacturer Ron Mehl 隆梅爾
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美爾牧師以他生命當中真實的經歷周遭的一些小故事及神的話語,來與你我分享這上帝的心事。 【上帝的心事-設想周全的十戒】曾榮獲美國讀者文摘評鑑為2000年最有價值4本著作之一,名佈道家葛理翰博士大力推薦,訂購3萬本贈送全美之浸信會牧師。 【上帝的心事】是信仰真諦的重新省思;有人認為舊約的上帝是一位白髮飛揚,面貌嚴峻,怒氣沖天,聲音冷酷的執法者,而祂頒佈的十誡無非是一些「你不可如何如何….」的禁制警告,威嚇的命令,但是本書另有獨到的看法--「十誡都是出於愛」而且「以為人在恩典之下,不在律法之下,就可以犯罪,是自取滅亡」,所以「十誡」其實是神給世人的情書,是神為我們解開人生的疑惑,要我們免除犯罪的創傷和生命的浪費,以堅守兒女尊貴地位的一份禮物。 作者逐章闡明十誡中每一條誡命的深層意義與精神內涵,並用生活實例,讓人明白神的心意何以要訂出如此的誡命,看似拘限人,卻無一不是在保護、幫助和指引人。 本書可以幫助我們重新思考十誡中每一條誡命的真諦,更可省察我們各人在主前的光景。 本書被美國讀者文摘 評為2000年最有價值的四本著作之一。

我們有幸參加隆梅爾牧師牧養的四方教會四年了, 連我們七八歲的孩子聽他講道都聽得津津有味,常在飯桌上提出牧師講道中提到的故事。這些年的結論就是隆梅爾牧師真是愛主的牧師。 我們都會唱他最愛唱的歌"He is Good", 要成為全教會上下都喜歡的牧師不容易, 但隆梅爾牧師就是這樣的牧師。 來訪的講員或客人都對他夫婦印象深刻, 因他總是最熱誠招待:安排住最好的飯店, 吃最爽口的食物, 連客房內都留下附帶?馨字句的點心或沖洗好的相關照片。他牧養的四方教會,從30年前的 十多人到如今的一萬多人... 他還寫了十來本書, 最近一本"Right With God"被選為美國2003年主題書 (因多起美國公司和個人賬目不清醜聞,布希總統訂2003 年為正義年) 。聽起來他像是一個精力充沛的壯年人,而他是一個從三十六歲就患血癌,到 5-30-2003他安息主懷,在世59年, 讓人懷念不已。此書有釵h他生命中真實的經歷,周遭小故事及神的話語, 這些 從神而來的智慧,這正是你在隆梅爾牧師的書中可找到的。 

We have been blessed to be able to attend Pastor Ron Mehl's church, the Beaverton Foursquare Church, for four years. My children, starting from the age of 7, like to listen to his sermons and often repeat the stories he tells in his sermons. Our conclusion for Pastor Ron Mehl is that he is a pastor who loves the Lord with his whole heart. It is not easy to be a pastor loved by the whole church. However, Pastor Ron is this kind of person. Visiting speakers were very impressed by the hospitality he and his wife shows. They arranged for the visitors to stay in the best hotel, eat the most delicious food, provide snacks or developed photos for the visitors, etc. In addition to pastoring a church of more than 10,000 members (30 years ago, there were only a dozen people when he first started to pastor this church), Pastor Ron Mehl had also written more than 10 books. One of the books, "Right With God," was selected as the theme book of 2003's National Day of Prayer (due to the scandals of corporations and individuals, President Bush proclaimed the year 2003 as the year of righteousness). It may sound like Pastor Ron was an energetic middle-aged man, but he is actually a grandfather with gray hair and has had leukemia since he was 36 years old. On May 30, 2003, he came to rest in the Lord's bosom at the age of 59. We all miss him.
Melissa Yao

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 03 June, 2003.
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