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耶穌的受難--基督受死的50個理由 The Passion of Jesus Christ

耶穌的受難--基督受死的50個理由 The Passion of Jesus Christ
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Price  $9.95  $8.45 
Model 023006
Manufacturer John Piper 約翰.派博
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正在各大院線熱烈上映中的《耶穌受難記》(The Passion of the Christ),您看了沒有?它是否在您腦海中留下了永難磨滅的印象?看見耶穌受難的整個殘暴的過程,您是否願意深入探究耶穌為何受難?或者進一步幫助非基督徒朋友認識耶穌的受難對於他們有何意義?電影沒有提供答案,但本書作者對耶穌基督的受難從新約聖經蒐集提出了五十個理由 。


本書是教會在專題討論、小組查經、主日學、傳福音、個人靈修都是最佳輔助的材料。英文版自今年一月出版以來,銷量已經突破130萬本!鄭重呼籲牧師及教會長執同工們將書推薦給信徒閲讀,並鼓勵他們送給慕道友。千萬別錯過這難得的機會。本書中 文 的引言與頭五章的試讀本,可以在下列網站找到:

作者: 約 翰. 派 博 John Piper 著 / 潘 秋 松 譯
出版社: 美 國 麥 種 傳 會 /188頁

It is a good timing for John Piper to release this book now. Where Mel Gibson's movie fails to explain, Piper is quick to interject meaning. The most important questions anyone can ask are: Why was Jesus Christ crucified? Why did he suffer so much? What has this to do with me? Finally, who sent him to his death? The answer to the last question is that God did. Jesus was God’s Son. The suffering was unsurpassed, but the whole message of the Bible leads to this answer.

Why did Christ suffer and die? The central issue of Jesus’ death is not the cause, but the meaning—God’s meaning. That is what this book is about. John Piper has gathered from the New Testament fifty reasons. Not fifty causes, but fifty purposes to answer to the most important question that each of us must face: What did God achieve for sinners like us in sending his Son to die?

He lists 50 things that Christ's death on the cross accomplishes. Each explanation is short and to the point. This book is for either Christians or non-Christians who are searching for the answer why Jesus was crucified. This book is also perfect devotional.

This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 04 April, 2004.
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