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末世樞紐戰 Epic Battles of the Last Days

末世樞紐戰 Epic Battles of the Last Days
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Price  $13.50 
Model 054017
Manufacturer Rick Joyner 雷克•喬納
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本書針對解決現今世界最大問題,提出銳利、經闢地見解。幫助教會在末世定位--神預定教會與主同作王掌權,但是她首先必須爭戰。本書指出教會應該如何肩負對世界的責任,教會如何靠神的愛與能力,合一有效的傳揚主的福音。 一個基督徒怎樣才能...... 在基督裡有完全的保障. 跟男人與女人有正常的關係. 有屬靈的權柄對抗巫術. 禱告並且得以滿足你的需要. 找到救贖寬恕與醫治的能力. 是一本改變人生命的書,也是現代屬靈爭戰不可或缺的書。

國際全福會亞洲區會長 陳世強 台灣區會長 曾國生強力推薦!

作者: Rick Joyner 雷克•喬納

We have come to the time of the ultimate confrontation between light and darkness. The battle is now raging on every front. Rick Joyner discusses how you, as a believer, can...

Have complete security in Christ.
Have proper relationships with both men and women.
Have spiritual authority over witchcraft.
Pray and have all of your needs met.
Find power for redemption, forgiveness, and healing.
The Enemy is surrounded, and Christians are about to win their greatest victory. God is ready to open the windows of heaven where once the gates of hell seemingly prevailed

The main theme is spiritual warfare, and that inside the church. Reader, you will be challenged from every side, you will be called to test yourself against the measure of the Word, you will be prompted to review your personal lifestyle and relational patterns. You will be uncomfortable, if you read this tome to reflect upon yourself.

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 02 July, 2003.
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