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珍貴的誓約/珍贵的誓约 A Vow To Cherish (VCD)

珍貴的誓約/珍贵的誓约 A Vow To Cherish  (VCD)
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Price  $14.95  $12.00 
Model 107026
Manufacturer 傳神 Passing On Mission
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當婚姻走到十字路口,你想到的是放棄或是持守? 當婚姻遇見疾病、貧窮、困難,你看見的是希望還是灰暗? 


妻 子罹患老人癡呆症,而丈夫則陷入信守承諾,經營事業與精神外遇三方掙扎,他將如何抉擇?本片演員將劇中的感情掙扎,內心痛苦表達的淋漓盡致,導演約翰史密 特也運用多變的場景,輕易地能將觀眾帶入劇中情境,與主角們一同經歷內心的掙扎,Billy Graham佈道場景也在其中。 看 過 的人都不 禁 感 動 落 � 。


本 VCD加送 「 守住一生的承諾」 一 書 -- 哥倫比亞國 際 大學校長的真人真事,為 了 照 顧 得 痴 呆 症 的 太 太 ,辭 去 如 日 中 天 的 事 業 ,他 镢 照 料 他 妻 子 為 回 饋 與 聖 工...

亞 一 書 房 得 到 多 人 回 應 此 書 和 此 片 令 弟 兄姐 妹動容落 ? 。 127美 麗書頁才 $ 12元。

Billy Graham's film " A Vow to Cherish" will change families for good. A medical diagnosis could tear the Brighton family apart or make them stronger. Will Dad stay with a wife who hardly knows him?

Free book "A Promise Kept" with the purchase of this VCD by Robertson McQuilkin $12.00 Sale $10.00

One customer rated this book: 5 stars: Highly recommended - a true example of agape love Comment: For a young single it's easy to fantasize about the joys of having a lifelong love - often at the neglect of counting the true cost of actually having one. This small but powerful book shows that cost, and how one man remained faithful to his wife despite it. Robertson, a distinguished man in Christian academic circles, is shocked when his vivacious wife Muriel is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Gradually, she begins to succumb to its ravages and is forced to abandon her popular radio show and speaking engagements. As the disease takes its toll on Muriel, Robertson devotes more and more time to watching her. He leaves his work and other pursuits to care for her. He remains with her gratefully. He sees his caretaking as a holy task, one entrusted to him by God. Indeed, she "took care" of him for decades, so he finds it a priviledge to return the favor. However, he is careful to state that his is not the "ideal" way to care for a severely ailing loved one. But I would say that his attitude and actions are examples for anyone, regardless of whatever caretaking path is chosen.

Customer 2 rated 5 stars. This book is strengthening, uplifting, and encouraging - love is a commitment. This man gives up everything to help his bride, and gains it all back tenfold, through blessings from God. it details the anguish he feels and the deep sad love that carries him through every day.
Wonderful Wedding Gift Material!!

Dr. McQuilkin served for 22 years as president of Columbia International University (formerly Columbia Bible College and Seminary) until his resignation in 1990 to care for his wife, Muriel, who had reached the stage of Alzheimer's Disease in which she needed full time care.

Prior to assuming the presidency of CIU in 1968, Dr. McQuilkin was a church-starting missionary in Japan for 12 years. He has five living children, one of whom serves in Japan and another in India.

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 15 October, 2002.
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